Everyday Plan

How the plan works
The Everyday Plan offers you the option of starting your weight-loss journey by restricting the calories a little more to get you off to a really good start. This plan gives you the option of including meals and snacks you prepare yourself alongside Shake That Weight Meal Replacements, which is great for people looking for some flexibility to have meals with family etc. We recommend following the plan for a maximum of 8 weeks, and then switching to a plan with slightly more calories.
1,000 kcal per day
Suitable for Women (BMI 25-30)
Women with an inactive lifestyle
Your Daily Allowance
See a breakdown of how this plan can work for you
2x Shake That Weight® Meal Replacements
Shake That Weight® or Self Prepared Meal
Shake That Weight® or Self Prepared Snacks
An example day on the Everyday Plan

Start your day with a Strawberry Meal Shake
Mixed with cold skimmed milk.

For lunch enjoy our deliciously fresh Cream of Pea Soup
We have a range of savoury meal options to choose from.

Tasty Chocolate Flavoured High Protein Snack Wafers
Enjoy 200 kcal of snacks per day.

Quinoa, avocado, egg, tomatoes, spinach and sunflower seeds
Healthy self prepared meal upto 400 kcal
It's time to start your journey
The beauty of the Everyday Plan is that it’s simple to follow and flexible. We understand it’s easier for many people to control their calories if the pressure and uncertainty of having to think about food is removed. That’s what makes the Everyday Plan so easy to follow. On the other hand, if you want to cook from scratch that's fine, too, and we've given you a selection of recipes and ideas for calorie-controlled meals.
Choose your favourite products
We have a wide range of tasty meals to choose from. Breakfast, Lunch, Snack and Dinner. Order here
While you’re waiting for your products to arrive
Give your kitchen a spring clean and prepare to fill your cupboards with the products you order
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